Oct 23, 2007


is it ok to feel disappointed? how long should i stay disappointed? am i being too sensitive? is it too much to ask for? i didnt realise it affected me that much. i thought i was ok with it. at first, i wasnt. as time passed i gradually forgot about it and let it go. but now, whenever anything related to it comes up, i get really pissed all over again. i dont think i should be feeling like this. i dont want to feel like this. maybe i'm just expecting too much. or maybe some people just couldnt care less. whichever it is, i hope is stop feeling like this soon. cause the next one is coming up and this time its gonna be everyone. i dont want to spoil something that rarely happens. we've all waited very long. 9 months to be exact. i pray to god this time it works out.

- disappointed steph -

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