Oct 7, 2007

Gathering Proposal!

The KinG! hereby proposes for at least ONE gathering to be held every week or every other week.Okay-lah.Seriously it has always been damn fun right when we get together?! (correct me if I'm wrong).See how much fun we had this past Friday just being around each other and laugh our ass off.[being called "pervert" or "backside" ain't that fun though if you're not Josh or Saara.haha]I always look forward for every of our gathering(whether I can or cannot come).Though sometimes it seems like a big pressure just to plan a gathering, it's always worth it.Everything else doesn't matter anymore - College, Work, etc.My focus is on the next gathering.For some of us , there have to be sacrifices made to attend a gathering or something.Tell me it ain't worth it? Thanks for those who did sacrifice( as in got screwed by your parents or travel far or whatever).Personally I appreciate it!

So.Those who agree to my proposal say "Aye"! [By the way.Talk to your parents about how much all this mean to us.Do not just dismissed the possibility of coming out just because you think you'll get rejected! I mean it! - You'll get screwed by me then!]

From the Second Highest Throne~
KinG ReaGan

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