Oct 8, 2007

I'm content with Losing..

I somehow just got a feeling of sudden emo-ness.I guess now I know what struck Ian in the first place.

I'm just having a thought of my abilities and talents.Sometimes I feel I have so much to offer to this world but I'm always a "back-up" player.A substitute.Sometimes I get sick of it but I have no one to blame.
Another thing I'm thinking about right now is sacrifice."Sacrifices" if you may call it.Sacrifices I made for the sake of others.For their happiness.In times they need most.Okay..I know this is sounding very very wrong indeed.Sounds as if I'm not happy doing it.Personally I am.Since I'm doing it out of my own will.It's just that some of the sacrifices I made only make me a fool.I'm happy making others happy but there's an after effect that shows that I sacrifice for the wrong purpose.~ Let's just leave this part till here.[*Owh yea.Basically I write things all over.So you got to put the pieces together to understand it.Sometimes I can't express my feelings in the right way]

I always like to be the First 11 and not substitute.I want the things that I do to be worth it.

This just came from a sudden rush of emotion.If you are wondering why the title is "I'm content with Losing.." - it's just a title of a song.My inspiration once again.

the Throne can be sacrificed
KinG is just a title

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