Oct 3, 2007

no title

i passed my driving test!!! hahaha.. i dun think anyone cares that much.. it was really scary ok.. my hands were practically shivering. and my examiner kept saying ' laju sikit laju sikit '. i cant laju sikit la. i was only taught to go till 40!! yea yea.. i know its slow. its fast enough for me. and the examiner made me go till 60!!! so scary... haha.. i passed though. so now i can officially drive.. finally!!

p.s. no one's been updating.........

1 comment:

BestestBest Friends! said...

"i dun think anyone cares that much.."
I've been talkin to you about it the past week and msg you the nite before.
wat about dat? haha

the KinG! is Sad