Dec 14, 2007

The death of time...

It is 1.29a.m, 14 December 2007. come to think of it, i hardly do any sleeping at night these days. hence, i feel time has met death. death is eternal yet so is time... would u agree...i cant sleep(as usual)... so many things fill my mind and yet time seem to have forsaken me and forgot to this very moment many feelings start to fill me...many thoughts... wat then should i think of...just to long a list to mind is tired, i am sleepy, yet sleep is wat i do not get. y? y me...and now i feel that the year is about to end... but this very line i have repeated to many a time... and yet the time has not come for a new year... again i think... wat will this new year bring us... a seperation of ways? a better time together? of is it all but these... i am waiting.waiting for time... time must be resurected... so i can think as time flies by... confused r u? so am i... mayb this post should be called confusion of time...WTH... watver...


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