Jan 22, 2009

us... 3 years later

this post is an update post and a reply to tinesh. haha.

so 3 years ago, i wrote an us post. this was back when this blog was created. tinesh has a point. we've all changed. some for the better, some for the worse and some a mix of both. haha.

again this will be done alphabetically.

aaron - 3 years ago, i wrote he was my kuai chai! haha. i dunno if that still stands but he is still our BBF. he's changed ALOT. still the shortest though. hehe. less playful. more seriousness. i personally cant decide if thats a good thing or bad. not so lucky relationship wise. =) and he's no longer our taxi since more people can drive now.

ian - still Lan wong. haha. cant seem to shake that off. still IT genius. but he's doing law now! never in a million years would we have imagined he'd be doing that. haha. i'm proud to say he's in a steady relationship. and he has a baju business. to sum it up, Lan wong is growing up to be a very young man. haha. i dunno if that makes sense.

joelyn - 3 years ago she was studying her booty off somewhere far far away. 3 years later she's studying even further away! but she's the first among us to leave. and we're all very proud of her. she'll come back dr. jojo! i pray her blur-ness doesnt get the best of her. =)

joshua - still the pervert. haha. he's gonna get so upset when he reads this. to be honest, he's cut down on the perverty-ness. but he's been labeled that since forever so i guess he's stuck with it. something new bout him these 3 years? we realised his eyes shrink everytime we take pictures. haha. and he prays for his food.

sarah - still the little man. however, not so quiet anymore. haha. in fact i can say she's very outspoken when she wants to be. and she knows how to stick up for herself! girl power! haha. very professional treasurer.

saara - still tennis pro. but he's not playing much anymore. he's a coach now! and he's very very very racist! and he's very very sarcastic! and he gets angry when he's hungry! haha. i think among us all he's the most stabil. i dont mean balance wise. i mean in life. he KNOWS what he wants. and god knows he has a wonderful future in tennis. just get a girlfriend already la!

steph - haha. u guys decide. saara and lan are supposed to write a whole post dedicated to me! hehe. i doubt they're gonna have nice things to say. haha.

ting - i still say he's emo. haha. he's kinda the glue that holds us all together. gathering planner. trip planner. and he's racist too! haha. doing well in what he's studying now. i wanna say hotel management but i'm not sooo sure. hehe. but i know he's enjoying it. and he's very fickle when it comes to girls. haha.

tinesh - i think i've come to learn alot bout him during the trip. i can safely say he pentingkan kawan ALOT!!! haha. and he doesnt really hold grudges unless it was something really big. still has his one sided dimple. very straight forward. very funny. very sarcastic. and i think he's still growing taller. =(

and all the boys are dota addicts.

we've known each other for 7 years. 2009 would be our 8th year. for most of us la. but i think BFFs begun in year 2004!

but u know wat? time doesnt mean anything. so what if we've known each other for 8 years? 10 years? since standard 4? its not the length of the friendship that matters. its the strength. hehe. so corny. but its true. at least thats what i think. people change along the way. it doesnt matter if we change. change is inevitable. human nature. friendship is about accepting that change. or bettering it. but try not to lose yourself along the way.

to my BBFs,
i love u guys! haha. u know what makes us BBFs? its the fact that we dont have to be someone else when we're together. we dont have to be fake. we dont have to be cool. we're not a clique you have to fit in to. we know each other inside out. and we're sooo comfortable around each other. proven by ian's farting spree. saara's butt-showing. sarah's outspoken-ness. my pissy-ness. joe's blur-ness. josh's pervert-ness. ting's blunt-ness. tinesh's straight-forward-ness. aaron's childish-ness. and our racism! haha. we accept one another for all the imperfections. we are grateful for the serasi-ness. and we try better the flaws.

so my BBFs. please stay BFFs!

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