Mar 12, 2008

Do You Think .. ?

*You can lay with Me & just forget the world.. [ HaHa.Just felt like saying that! ]

*We all can spend almost the whole day together and forget the pressures of life.
~to enjoy the presence of one another.a moment of peace.quietness.but knowing that we are
still together.
~to just look into each other's eyes and feel calm & peace. knowing that we were to 'pass'
someday - these are the people that's worth the life I give.TRUST.
~to talk about what we love.childhood memories.embarrassing moments.our
past , present & future.EVERYTHING.for the fun of it.without the fear of it being leaked out
~making each other a better person.not by telling them off.but by sharing our experiences &
where we can improve on.of course it's up to us to listen or not.but there's something about
all of you that I know you one way or another.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tinesh - If you are reading this blog by chance or someone told you about it. I just wanna let you know I'm sorry.If you ever think I'm a jerk for telling you off when I think you did something wrongly.For making you feel small & unimportant or whatever you think I am or whatever you think I did wrongly.
Probably you think friends that who doesn't do all those stated are true friends.I don't know.but everyone's worried about you.why aren't you giving our friendship a it used to be.Why are you changing so fast in the "worst" way WE thought that could end a relationship.Many would have think that it's the end of you in this friendship.That you drifted from us.whether you know it or not.I won't give up.I just need to talk to you this once.Unless you're gonna tell me face to to man.that this is who you wanna be.then I guess that's the end.
Whatever it is.I'm sorry again.This post wasn't intended to embarrass you but to let you know we all still care and would go to the extend to help and to do whatever to get you back.
See you when I get back.If you still want to.

If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we’ve destroyed our won brotherhood! But overcome space and all we have left is Here. Overcome time and all we have is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don’t you think that we might see each other once or twice?

-Jonathan Livingstone Seagull ~ Richard Bach

less than sad & dissapointed KinG.
I do care for every single one of you.No matter what I said or ever did.even if you think it's wrong.

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